Relational Databases for Biologists


Session 1: Data Conceptualization and Database Design


Exercise: Accessing MySQL and viewing table content


Goals: Learn how to access a MySQL database and look at table structure and content. From your account, access a MySQL database.


See /education/bioinfo2005/db4bio/ for course page

See                                         for MySQL documentation


3. To access My SQL on Hebrides, use the command:


                  mysql –u latek –p – D db4bio


with the following options:

                  -u             username (replace with your MySQL username –[not necessarily your Hebrides username])

                  -p             password (you will be prompted for your password)

                  -D            database (This takes you directly to the database weÕll be using)


5. Find out what databases are on the system:


                  mysql > show databases;


                  Yours should look similar, but not exactly like this:


| Database      |


| bell          |

| boyer         |

| casillo       |

| cheung        |

| db4bio        |

| groop         |


6. To access one of these databases:


                  mysql > use database;


where ÒdatabaseÓ is replaced with the name of the one youÕd like to access. In this case, enter the database Òdb4bioÓ.


7. To get a list of tables in this database:


                  mysql > show tables;


                  Yours should look similar to this:



| Tables_in_db4bio |


| Data             |

| Descriptions     |

| GO_Descr         |

| LocusDescr       |

| LocusLinks       |

| Ontologies       |

| RefSeqs          |

| Sources          |

| Targets          |

| UniDescr         |

| UniSeqs          |

| Unigenes         |

| eya              |




8. To get a description of data fields and types in a table:


                  mysql > describe table;


mysql> describe Data;


| Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| affyId | varchar(30) |      | PRI |         |       |

| exptId | varchar(10) |      | PRI |         |       |

| level  | int(11)     |      |     | 0       |       |


3 rows in set (0.03 sec)



where ÒtableÓ is replaced with the one youÕd like to access.


9. To look at some of the data in this table, use a general ÒSELECTÓ command. Since these tables are large, youÕll want to limit the number of rows (tuples) in your query to 5 or so:


                  mysql > SELECT * from ________ LIMIT 5;


mysql> select * from Data LIMIT 5;


| affyId          | exptId   | level |


| AFFX-MurIL2_at  | hs-cer-1 |    20 |

| AFFX-MurIL10_at | hs-cer-1 |     8 |

| AFFX-MurIL4_at  | hs-cer-1 |    77 |

| AFFX-MurFAS_at  | hs-cer-1 |    30 |

| AFFX-BioB-5_at  | hs-cer-1 |   258 |


5 rows in set (0.04 sec)



10. [Optional] Create a file containing the query and use Unix redirection to save the output of the query into another file.

                  a. Exit from MySQL:  quit

                  b. Create a directory (ÒdbclassÓ) and switch into it:  mkdir dbclass; cd dbclass;

                  c. Create a text file called query1.sql

                                    To do this with pico, a simple text editor, type             pico query1.sql

Type the query from step 9 in the editor and save it with the ^x (Control-x) command.


mysql> select * from Data LIMIT 5;


d. Back in the shell, to your MySQL login command, add the SQL file (query1.sql) as input and the file query1.out as output all on one line.


                  mysql –u username –p –D db4bio < query1.sql > query1.out

e. View the outputfile:                 more query1.out


affyId  exptId  level

AFFX-MurIL2_at  hs-cer-1        20

AFFX-MurIL10_at hs-cer-1        8

AFFX-MurIL4_at  hs-cer-1        77

AFFX-MurFAS_at  hs-cer-1        30

AFFX-BioB-5_at  hs-cer-1        258